The mouth of the narrow lane, or trok, that shields the Prince Theater from busy Charoen Krung Road, within the shadow of the Taksin Bridge.
Gurukul: School of Theater was established by Aarohan Theater Group in 2003. Gurukul not only organizes theater workshops and national and worldwide interactions on theater but in addition has an apprentice program for theater novices. Aarohan-Gurukul also companions with worldwide theater groups and theater employees to provide extremely artistic plays, and practice workforce for Nepali theater. Aarohan-Gurukul has performed in India, China, Bangladesh, Thailand, Russia, Korea, Norway and Denmark.
To honor God Dinoysus, Athenians organized Festival of Dinoysus, which was marked with staging of tragedy, comedy, and the satyr play. Performing house in ancient Athens was semi-circular, and the raisers had been used as auditoriums. Almost 20 thousand of individuals might watch a efficiency. Aeschylus , Sophocles , and Euripides were extensively celebrated dramatist in …