Do you know what an unforgettable teen romance movie of 2019 is in the film industry? If you don’t know, then I must say you have missed something great. Undoubtedly the film industry is a million-dollar industry; According to an estimate, In 2019, the global box office revenue was over $42 billion. As you know, Up till now, the film industry has produced many heart-winning movies that still have a special place in fans’ hearts. The film industry makes various kinds of story-based movies, and one of the most liked genres in film history is the love story.
It is a fact that Love stories have captivated audiences for years, from old masterpieces like “Gone with the Wind” and “Casablanca” to recent favorites like “The Notebook” and “After.
After was directed by Jenny Gage and features Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes-Tiffin as its lead. The story